Palópoli & Albrecht Advogados | Page 16
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Sobre Palópoli & Albrecht

The Palópoli & Albrecht Advogados office was created in 2003 and since its foundation has as objective the pursuit of excellence in the provision of legal services, directly and actively participating in processes and pioneering solutions, providing personalized service with a high quality, to meet the needs and exceed the expectations of the customers. It operates directly in São Paulo, the main economic center of Brazil, with its own infrastructure and through partner offices in other locations in the country and abroad, chosen by tradition, reliability and competence.

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Selo 10 Anos

O Palópoli & Albrecht comemora 20 anos inovando na área de advocacia e agradece a todos os clientes e parceiros que confiaram nela para a criação de uma história de sucesso.

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To receive news or send questions, criticisms or suggestions, please contact us.

Tel.: (11) 3120-3453 | (11) 2639-8095
End.: Av. Angélica, 2.220, 5º andar
São Paulo / SP